If you are visiting this section of our website perhaps it is because you want to inform yourself about the process of becoming a member of our respectable Fraternity.
This section is designed with a few points to consider in your intentions or desires, prior to petitioning for membership in our ancient fraternal organization.
Not all men can become Masons. Masonry does not purport to make "bad men good", only "good men better".
This distinction is critical in that from its earliest days' Freemasonry took itself out of the "rehabilitation" game—which is the purview of religion and the criminal justice system.
Only men of good character are accepted into the Fraternity. Kilwinning lodge review every applicant's character, and the centuries-old "selection" system is still in place, meaning all the Lodge members present must vote candidates that are petitioning for membership.
Freemasonry and our Lodge strive to teach a man the duties he owes to God, his neighbor, and himself.
Admission to the Institution must not be sought from mercenary or other unworthy motives, nor from the hope of personal gain or advancement.
Anyone so actuated will be disappointed, and in all friendship recognise this statement.
Freemasonry is not a society focused on fiscal benefits. Its charity may be extended for those Masons who, through no fault of their own, have met with misfortune, but this is not assured.
Freemasonry and Kilwinning Lodge insist that men shall come to its door entirely of their own free will—not as a result of solicitation, nor from feelings of curiosity, but from a favorable opinion of the Institution and a desire to be ranked among its members.
We think it is advisable to inform you that should you be admitted this journey will entail certain financial obligations, which you should be able to afford without detriment to yourself or those dependent on you.
We trust you will consider these statements in the same spirit of honesty and friendship in which they have been presented to you.
If, after reading the above mentioned, you wish to take the first step in what could be your Masonic journey, please contact the Lodge Secretary at [email protected].
A highly informative book titled "Freemasonry in 25 questions" by Herve Gagnon, can be purchased for a nominal sum from the Grand Lodge of Quebec.
You can also reach us through the information contained in the contact-us section of this website.
What are the requirements to become a freemason?
If your character is in alignment with what you have learned thus far about our fraternity and Montreal Kilwinning Lodge # 20, then the requirements are very straightforward.
- A man, of good moral life, and well recommended.
- 21 years of age or older and living in Quebec for at least 12 months.
- Belief in a Supreme Being. Specifics are listed on the petition for the degrees of freemasonry.
- You must be able to support yourself and your family.
- You must have a strong desire to to improve yourself and the world you influence.
- Attain the sponsorship of at least two members of Montreal Kilwinning Lodge.
The Application Process
Please express your interest in learning more about Freemasonry in general and our Lodge in particular via the link to the Lodge Secretary in the section of our site "Becoming a Freemason" or contacting us directly.
A member of our Lodge will be delighted to schedule a first meeting via phone or video conference to learn more about you and your motivations for learning about freemasonry or becoming a member.
After the first conversation, the designated Lodge member may provide you with an official "application form". Once completed and submitted, it will be reviewed by the members of our Lodge at the next regular meeting.
If successful, you will receive an invitation to a face-to-face meeting at your home with three of our members.
At this face-to-face meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask more questions about our order and our Lodge, at the same time we will ask you more questions to get to know you a little better.
In addition, at the end of that face-to-face meeting, you might be asked to join us in one of our social gatherings or at the temple before our regular meeting.
The idea behind this invitation is to share a social occasion and allow the other members of our Lodge to meet you; we are sure they will be delighted to get to know you.
You might be asked to join us for two or three such events in person before your formal application for membership will be proposed to the membership at large for approval.
Based upon the investigation results (from the visiting members) their comments are read at the next Lodge meeting, and then the vote on your application will take place.
If the members approve your candidacy, you will be assigned a coach, and a date for your initiation will be scheduled.
All of this takes from three to twelve months, depending on the circumstances of our Lodge. In brief, the application process can be summarized in six steps and are as follow.
- First communication
- Face to face interaction
- Social Gatherings
- Formal Petition
- Voting
- Initiation